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Campus Tours and Visit Programs

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Take a tour of CSUF and experience what it's like to be a Titan. We offer a variety of tours for prospective students, community members, and campus partners. Titan Ambassadors are excited to share the amazing things CSUF has to offer! Your tour will explore key areas of campus while highlighting our eight academic colleges, student services, student life, campus resources, as well as the history of Cal State Fullerton!

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Tour Offerings

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Take a Tour at Experience CSUF: Become A Titan

Discover Cal State Fullerton firsthand with a guided campus tour during Experience CSUF: Become a Titan! Explore key landmarks, experience campus life, and get a glimpse of your future as a Titan. Don’t miss this chance to see what makes CSUF special! #BecomeATitan

Experience CSUF: Become A Titan

students during spring

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students during spring


Self-Guided Tour

If you are unable to a take a tour guided by a Titan Ambassador, a self-guided tour is another great way to check out CSUF. Explore campus while following along with our virtual tour to learn more about campus life, special buildings, and the many unique services and programs CSUF offers students, faculty, staff, and community members.

Campus Map

Virtual Tour

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Housing and Residential Engagement

CSUF Housing and Residential Engagement offers virtual tours on their website and has information on housing options, meal plans, cost and more!

Housing and Residential Engagement

housing piazza

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college of communications newsroom

College of Communications Production Facilities Tour

We want to share with you a great virtual tour of our College of Communications Production Facilities and feel we can save you time in driving to campus for a physical tour in the process; simply by clicking here. If you still have questions about our College of Communications Production Facilities after watching the virtual tour above; you can email Jason Lorge at

Also on the first Friday of the month, the College of Communications offers a physical tour of the Production Facilities including film, television, video, and audio production in the library basement. The tour lasts approximately 30 minutes and includes the Cinema and Television Arts studio and editing labs, the Communications news studio and editing room, classrooms, and the Titan Communications television and radio studios and stations. Upon request, a tour can also be arranged for the student-run newspaper, The Daily Titan, located in the College Park building.

The College of Communications production facilities tour begins at 11:00am on the first Friday of the month and starts outside of the Titan Communications Studio in the basement of the Pollak Library room PLS64. Reservations are required. If you are interested in this tour, please check availability and make a reservation. Please note that the tours are limited to a maximum of 10 guests for each listed date.

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VIP Tours

VIP tours are reserved for prospective employees, new CSUF employees, and special guests, and are available via reservation by campus partners. These tours are designed to provide general information about Cal State Fullerton, highlighting the eight academic colleges, campus resources, facilities, and student life, and can be tailored to meet the needs of VIP guests and their campus hosts. VIP tours are offered Monday through Friday, 9AM to 5PM.

If you are interested in making a reservation for a VIP tour, please email us using your email address at


students walking

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Contact Us

Titan Hall 1203
Phone: (657) 278-2501

Fall 2024 Hours
Monday through Friday | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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